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New Prague Soccer Club

Competitive Teams

Levels Of Competition

Competitive teams U11 and up are classified Classic 3 (C3), Classic 2 (C2), Classic 1 (C1) or Premier; with C3 being the lower level of competitive play.  Teams will participate at an appropriate level based on overall team performance the previous season and on coach and player ability.

U10 teams and under are classified as a maroon or gold teams with gold being the lower level.

All age brackets that are eligible for coach select level of play per MYSA rules will be determined by the ability of the coach and players on that team as assessed by the club.


Age Groups

Registered Age Group

Players are required to submit proof of age as per MYSA policies and rules.  All players are registered with the NPSC at their youngest possible age eligible group as permissible by the MYSA.



When a family has 2 children close in age, and the family desires that the younger child be allowed to roster up and play on the same team as the older siblings, the NPSC will consider the request based on the guidelines for allowing play ups as stated below.


Playing Up

If the number of players registered at any age group does not meet reasonable requirements for fielding a single-age team at a level, then the Player Placement Committee will look to combine age groups in order to roster the greatest number of players while taking into consideration the skill level expectations for each level of play.

The NPSC does NOT, under any circumstances, guarantee to any registered player that he or she may play up an age or competitive level with the NPSC for any reason. 

Players may request to play up and age or competitive level.  All requests submitted in writing, or email, will be presented to the Player Placement Committee for consideration.  The following guidelines will be used in determining whether or not the committee will consider the request play up.

  1. The request to play up is submitted in writing to the NPSC prior to the formation of teams.
  2. An open roster spot is available on the team that the player is requesting to play up on after all players have been placed on teams based on competitive ability, regardless of age. A player requesting to play up shall not take the place of a player who, by ability, has earned the right to move up.
  3. The play up request will not leave the player’s age appropriate team short rostered players.
  4. The player’s skill level and size is deemed to be close to that of the team he or she would be playing up on.

Play up requests may be considered by the Player Placement Committee providing all of the above criteria are met.  In the event that multiple players have requested to play up and that all said players meet all the above listed criteria, then the following order will be used in determining which requests will be considered first:

  1. Players with siblings on the older team
  2. Player’s age with the oldest players moving up first
  3. Earliest date and time of play up request received

The NPSC reserves the right to attempt to fill all roster spots with children from the appropriate age group and will continue to do so until the player registration deadline, regardless of  any play up requests.  A play up in any one season does not guarantee playing up in subsequent seasons.


 Roster Size

The NPSC will build team rosters for each season based on the guidelines given by the MYSA.


Team Formation Process

The Guiding Principles

The Player Placement Committee will use the following guidelines in determining player placement:

  • A priority is placed on keeping the highest percentage of players playing at age their appropriate age levels.
  • Where feasible, teams will be formed to compete at the C2 level and above which may result in the need for a tryout.
  • Every effort is made to keep players playing within 1 year of his or her birth year age group unless that player tries out and earns a roster spot on a higher level team.
  • Over rostering teams will be avoided if other options exist.
  • When the Player Placement Committee is in need of moving a player, or players, up an age group in order to fill a roster at the next level up, a player’s age and ability will be considered in determining who is selected to move up. A tryout process will only be held if the splitting up of the lower age group affects 30% or more if its team’s roster.
  • The Player Placement Committee reserves the right to move players up one (1) age group without consent of the player or the player’s legal guardian to fill open roster spots in attempt to avoid having to cut a player, or players, due to a team being over rostered or a team being under rostered.
  • The Player Placement Committee will use any tryout results and coach’s evaluations at their discretion to properly place players at an appropriate competitive level.
  • The BOD reserves the right to change these rules at any time at their discretion without notice to its interested individuals.


Approval Of Teams

All decisions by the Player Placement Committee are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall approve all team rosters by an affirmative vote of the board members present at a duly held meeting.   The Board of Directors has final say on all player placement decisions.

Age Levels

Proof of age shall be required per MYSA policies.

Every attempt will be made to place players in their appropriate age group according to MYSA rules.  In order to complete each team's roster, age levels may need to be combined resulting in some players playing up an age level.

Players may request to play up but not down.

Competitive Levels of Play

Competitive Teams are classified Classic 3, Classic 2, Classic 1 or Premier based on overall team performance and player ability (with 3 being the lower level). U10 teams and under are classified as a maroon or gold teams (with gold being the lower level). All teams that are eligible for self select level of play per MYSA rules (U9-U13) will be determined by the Player Placement Committee with input from the coaches.

Player Placement Committee

This committee is made up of the Director of Coaching & Player Development, the Boys’ and Girls’ Competitive Directors and the Executive Board.

The committee's purpose is to review all data for each player that has registered with the NPSC. The committee will use all data available to properly place the player on an age and skill level appropriate team.

Forming Teams

The Player Placement Committee will use the following guidelines in determining player placement:

  1. Priority is placed on keeping the highest percentage of players playing at age appropriate levels.
  2. Where feasible, more competitive teams will be formed to compete at the C2 level and above at which point there will be tryouts.
  3. Every effort will be made to keep players playing within 1 year of their birth year age group except when players tryout for and earn a spot on a team at a higher level.
  4. Over rostering teams will be avoided if other options exist.
  5. The PPC reserves the right to move players up 1 age group without consent in order to make the numbers work for fielding teams and avoiding cuts.
  6. When moving players up an age group, actual age and talent will both be considered in determining who will be moved up.
  7. The Player Placement Committee will use try out results, coach’s evaluations and their discretion to proper place players at the appropriate competitive levels.
  8. No player will be allowed to play up a competitive level based on; family relationship, desire to be with friends or classmates, or for carpooling reasons.
  9. Requests may be considered by the Player Placement Committee to move a player up one age group based on a sibling playing in that older age group.   However, the request will be subject to the player's evaluation to compete at that level and the availability of a roster spot being open for the player.  All requests are requests only and the PPC has no obligation to place siblings on the same teams.
  10. All decisions by the Player Placement Committee are subject to approval by the BOD. The BOD has final say on all player placement and team formation decisions.
  11. A decision by the club to move a player up an age level, for any reason, is a rostering decision for that season and will not be a factor in placing the player on a team for subsequent seasons.

Playing Time

Competitive soccer is exactly that - competitive.  Coaches and players have an expectation to be competitive and to win games.  As a result, players find that there is no longer equal playing time like they used to experience in recreational soccer.  Playing time becomes earned, versus being a given right.  However, the club has set the following guidelines for coaches to follow when it comes to playing time.

U10 & Under - Players should play 50% of each game.

U11 & Up - Players should play at least 25% of each game.

In all age groups, a player's playing time in any given game may be adjusted accordingly based on the coaches assessment of the player's attitude, attendance, performance and ability.

Contact Us

New Prague Soccer Club

PO Box 304 
New Prague, Minnesota 56071

Email Us: [email protected]
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